Practical beats perfect when it comes to your resume. So stop overthinking and make these changes today.
Focus on your results. Whether you are tracking data, answering phones or writing code, there is a REASON you are doing that. And that reason can be traced to improving the bottom line for your employer. Stick to the high level results you have achieved in your current and most recent roles.
Numbers are important. Only for the impact that they represent. Again. Results. If you answered 2560 phone calls in the past year - what does that mean? Were they to resolve customer complaints? What percentage did you successfully transform from complaints to raving customers?
KISS. Keep It Simple Sweetie. Resist the urge to use fancy fonts, layouts and colors. Don’t write a book with every detail of every day at the office.
And because I love you. Here are three things to get rid of on your resume.
Your address. Keep the city and state but remove your address. The world is full of weird people, so keep yourself safe.
Your picture. Unless you’re an actor or model who needs a headshot as part of the audition process, nix it.
A hyped up list of adjectives that are masquerading as a “summary.” Summaries are meant to be specific and highlight key results that you’ve achieved in your career. If your summary could easily be the same as everyone/anyone else - leave it off.
Finally. Remember a resume isn’t meant to get you the job. It’s meant to be an intriguing introduction - like the first line of a great novel - it should make the reader want to know more.
Summer Special
If you need help walking through your resume, reach out. The Dog Days of Summer 30 Minute Resume Review is available through the end of August. $30.00 for 30 minutes. I will review your resume with you and make suggested changes based on your desired role. I will not rewrite your resume for you. Click here to schedule your 30 minute resume review.
Til next week - take a deep breath. Get outside and stay hydrated.