When the year winds down (and it’s down to the nub for me once we have to turn those clocks back) I start to hibernate.
Hibernation is necessary for regeneration (or so I’m told) and I’m doing my best to let that wash over me instead of the incessant urge and pulse to KEEP MOVING FASTER FASTER.
Obviously we can’t just lie in bed until Daylight Savings time (or can we?) so how to honor the slowness and the deep, rooted growth while still showing up and doing the work of every day?
I’ll share my thoughts in a minute but right now - what about you?
What are the thoughts that come in when you think about growth and new years and goals for work and life? (please reply in the comments!) Where do you want to be in your career in November 2024?
You know I’ve been obsessed with working since I was a pre-teen. It’s a blessing and a curse I guess…when my first hand analysis reading revealed I was a “worker bee” I was distraught. I didn’t want to be a worker bee - I wanted to be meaningful, I wanted to stand out, I wanted to be creative and so much else. Which I am.
The thing about hands is that they reveal the nuances that we’re born with and what makes life easier and harder - when we go with the natural hard-wiring and learn to transmute the challenges, we bring in all the facets of our best selves. As I learn more about the Enneagram I see so many parallels in hands.
My predominant hand and finger shape indicates I’m a worker bee. I feel successful and worthy and of value when I’m “getting things done” - I have dominant thumbs and thumbs in hand-speak are indicative of our need to DO. I find it slightly amusing that right now I’m dealing with some pain in both my thumbs due to hyper-extension of them at work and in my hobbies. (See, the Universe has a sense of humor). As a result I am being asked to let others get things done, to take a breather and allow my thumbs to rest.
As in nature so in our bones, it’s a time for us (in the Western Hemisphere at least) to slow down, resisting hyper-extension and allowing space for healing and deeper work. While we may not be able to head to a cave and sleep the winter away after gorging on fatty and protein rich foods, we can find ways to stop and move more slowly.
In the slowness and relative stillness is our opportunity to ask questions of ourselves - what is meaningful and why?
Tying our worth and purpose to our career is a very common habit. From the time we could talk we’ve watched people go to work, look for work, share stories about work and celebrate and hate the work in their life. During our school years (and at Holiday meals) we’re asked “what do you want to do with your life?” “what do you want to be when you grow up?” As if our BEING is intrinsically tied to our doing.
As the new year comes in I’m looking to explore more of the being and doing of our human existence - how a purpose can be reflected in work but how our jobs are not meant to be our purpose on the planet.
I hope to explore the questions of meaning and peace and forgiveness in a world that seems ever focused on the bottom line and how we can begin extricating our self-identify from the job title we hold.
I’ll cover the ways we can incorporate this new understanding into our work in the world and will continue to provide truth and insight about the hiring process from corporate recruiter’s perspective.
In a world that’s being immersed in quick fixes and AI responses, I want to be a beacon for your one of a kind way of shining in the world! I promise to reflect back to you the way that you stand out, the deep gifts you were put on the planet to share and to provide you practical tools for brining those gifts into the workplace on your own terms.
In 2024 there will be regular small group chats to explore gifts, talents and practical ways to bring them to work with us - and those small groups will be available to all paid subscribers. You’ll also get the recordings if you can’t make it live.)
And subscribers also receive discounted one-to-one coaching and hand analysis sessions.
How to honor the season you’re in and continue to show up where you’re needed most. (or what works for me):
Find a close friend who gets you that you can talk to when you feel too isolated. Make an agreement to check in with each other - text, email, or phone call counts.
Get some sunlight every day. Even a five minute walk or moment in the garden is better than staring at the screen. Breathing in what’s happening outside is the key.
Reduce screen time. Dopamine hits are important - get them from watching a bird, hugging a friend or writing a story.
Take your Vitamin D. (check with your doctor first)
Plan next year’s garden.
Dream about your ideal 2024.
Listen to nature.
What would you add? I can’t wait to hear!
This year, numerologically, has been a 1 year for me. That means new beginnings and completely starting over. It’s about being open to the surprises that come my way and saying yes to things that scare me. (interested in numerology - check out Creative Numerology).
12 months ago I didn’t know I’d quit my high-paying, semi-prestigious job and become a waitress. I didn’t know that I’d start the Adoptees at Work podcast or the Zencareer substack. I didn’t know that I would help 2 dozen people in their job search and had no idea that the world of recruiting and hiring would spiral the way it has.
All I knew was that I was being pulled to do something meaningful and that if I found a way to get still and listen maybe it would work out. What I really wanted was to stop the aching mental darkness that was dragging me down and find a way out.
You helped me with that. And my paid subscribers? Every morning I wake up and am grateful that you trust me, you believe in me and you want me to keep showing up. I know I’m not just shouting into the abyss - you’re there. And I am grateful.
Until next week - soak in some sunshine, smile at a stranger and wear the cute shoes.
P.S. The episode with Chang-hwan Boden is getting lots of traction. I’d love to hear your thoughts!