Y’all. This is probably going to be a bit loopy and rambling. I’m warning you now if you want to close this email and move on with your day.
Raven, my dog, was up at 4 am crying next to the bed. Of course I got up to see what was wrong. She’s my darling love, my silly snuggler and shadow. I took her into the living room to check her body parts - all accounted for and no distensions or bloating. Her eyes were tired, but so were mine.
(just wanted an excuse to show you that amazing face)
This went on for 45 minutes until I opened my office door (I keep it closed because the monitor is bright and it disturbs my sleep in the bedroom) she walked in, slid down under the desk and curled up. So I left. She came after me. Now I’m a pretty metaphysical person so sat down myself and started skimming my emails — maybe there was AN IMPORTANT MESSAGE for me? Nope.
Because I need to get 2 newsletters out (oh yeah, I’ve started a substack for the podcast - sign up here) I may as well sit down and get writing.
A wild automatic writing thing happened. (I’ve long been a fan of this but it wasn’t what I was going for). A page of information about life and meaning and finding a way through the world - maybe I’ll share more later (a note perhaps?).
A big piece of this divine message? Ignore most of it. Ignore the noise and static of what the pundits, talking heads, whiners and name callers are saying. Resist the pitchmen (and women) who can’t seen to center their stories on anyone but themselves and look for the light. You might call them lightworkers, or just people you really want to be around. For no reason other than you feel better after being with them. You may be close friends with them, colleagues or hang in the same networks (on line or in person). Spend more time with them. Ask for their counsel and recommendations when you need something (including advice on job hunting).
Every day it’s one more person sharing a ridiculous opinion about what you have to do to get the job (apparently, during interviews if you’re offered coffee in the kitchen you darn well better bring that cup back to the kitchen at the end of the interview because that is why they hire people at some company).
Once every few days I see a post about someone got hired for their moxie, even though they didn’t know a thing about the job. (maybe, in 1984, when your dad was best friends with the owner?!)
It’s 2023 people. And while I still have trouble remembering that 1984 was a million years ago, not 30, things have changed and will keep on changing in the world of business and as a result, job hunting.
If you want a new job, you’ll need to make finding that new job your job. Seriously. People are out of work. Prices are rising. Companies (even Zoom for pete’s sake) are insisting that everyone come back to the office and they are holding the purse strings so you have to be more clear on what you must have in your new job - over and above holding out for remote. (go ahead and hold out if you can afford it - but a better idea? find a job that lights you up, even if you have to go to the office as long as the commute isn’t an hour each way, work your patootie off and prove your worth, THEN broach the remote idea).
Finding a job requires resilience, adaptation and the courage of your convictions. It’s part luck, part attitude and a whole lot of skill. Just remember your value as a person is not related to your job title. What is the mark you want to make on the world? How are you impacting the community right now? Not everyone needs to be an activist, but you can be a quiet leader changing things one step at a time. Remembering your true north will help you head to your next ideal job. The job isn’t the point of course - your life is.
Thanks for reading this far - you make me happy and light me up.
Want to clean up your job search and create a map to getting from where you are ) to a delightful new role? Let me know how I can help by replying to this newsletter.
May your weekend be full of people who light you up - and don’t forget, you’re one of those people.