Did you get a chance to hear the recent episode of “Everything’s Relative with Eve Sturges”? Go listen. I’ll wait. That little bit at the end? About my mad hand analysis skills? Yeah. That’s gotten a bit of traction.
The whole conversation was amazing and I love pretty much everything Eve does in this space because she’s real and down-to-earth and funny and wise and just trying to figure it all out like the rest of us.
There have been nearly 50 new people joining the Adoptees at Work Podcast private group on FB this week (if you want to join you MUST complete the membership questions, no exceptions); and 3 or 4 private messages asking about being on my show and several messages and followers on Instagram wanting to understand more about the hand reading session I did with Eve.
It is the season of Specters and things metaphysical — and while the type of hand reading I do is not at all psychic I do get an uptick on old articles I’ve written about that art and science of Hand Analysis this time of year.
What is hand analysis?
It’s a non-predictive form of hand reading. The goal is to help the person being read understand their “hard-wiring” in a clear and actionable way. I.e., these are YOUR hands and the unique combination of your lines, hand shape, fingerprints and so much more help to show a blueprint of how you can best operate in the world.
What can you get out of a hand analysis session?
Nothing or everything. For most of my clients it opens a door to saying “Well, yeah, I have done that my whole life and I really would like to find a new way” or “I hadn’t realized that that particular way of helping people was already coded in my hands.” Often we start a conversation about making choices to work with their own unique strengths and gifts rather than fight against them.
Can a hand analysis session predict the future?
Let me answer with a question. Have you ever had a friend who consistently dates the same type of person? One who will eventually let them down and leave them heartbroken? Does that same friend bring the new love interest around and wax poetic about how this one’s the ONE? And do you smile and say hello, all the while knowing that heartbreak is on the horizon?
Me too.
Same with a hand analysis session. It’s relatively easy for me to show you the well-worn paths that have served you throughout your life AND to point out some new ways of handling future interactions. I’m not predicting the future, I’m helping you see how doing the same thing over and over and expecting different outcomes is not helping you any longer.
How do I know how to do this?
I’ve studied through the International Institute of Hand Analysis and the American Hand Analysis Association and am a certified hand analyst and a master hand analyst teacher. I’ve read at least a thousand pairs of hands, used it in my private coaching practice and written hundreds of articles and done a few youtube videos on the topic. I’ve been listed as one of the top hand analysts in the country and worked with countless people in DC, Tucson and the surrounding areas to provide meaningful insight into their lives.
I STOPPED reading hands publicly because I knew that it was MOST effective as a tool for change and that most people were resistant to taking action on their own behalf. In other words, the hard wiring on my hands kept me from taking money from people who weren’t willing or able to make positive changes in their lives.
I continued to read hands privately and by referrals and somehow found myself eager to read hands at the Hiraeth Hope and Healing retreat last April. Somehow, being among my “people” who were all committed to their own healing got me to open up and share.
That’s how I came to read Eve’s hands.
Today I realize how many of us are in need of healing. We’re trying to do it all on our own and every once in a while need a push or a lift to get to the next step in our own process.
Hand analysis isn’t therapy, but can give you a new way of looking at your past and your present and even some ideas for moving into a less painful and chaotic future.
The choice, as always, is up to you - having your hands read doesn’t nothing if you do nothing differently. I’ve learned that’s okay - because I hear from people whose hands I read a decade ago, who weren’t ready to take action then and they tell me they’ve reflected on those insights for years. And are taking steps based on their notes from our session. And that things are shifting.
So I’ve learned that I don’t get to call the shots for timing, and that I have a responsibility to help when I can. To help those who as, .
I’m now offering one-to-one hand analysis sessions (30 minutes) for all annual paid subscribers and Founding subscribers will receive a 60 minute session each year. All sessions will take place via Zoom.
Don’t forget, you can listen to the Adoptees at Work podcast anytime. (I hope you will)